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2024 Summer CAB newsletter

CAB Connection is a quarterly resource newsletter from Ignite Advisory Group for Customer Advisory Board Managers, Facilitators and Executive Sponsors. 


CMA Summit Panel - Rebecca and Lauren 3

We're excited to host a panel at the Customer Marketing Summit in San Francisco (Sept. 4th-5th).

The session is all about accelerating business value using customer-led advisory boards.

Uber and Adobe will share their CAB experience about how to reap outsized benefits for your customers and your company.

Panel speakers:

  • Rebecca Quinn, Director, Corporate Events, Uber Freight
  • Lauren Johnson, Manager, Advisory Board Programs, Adobe
  • Gavin Nathan, Senior Consultant & Partner, Ignite Advisory Group
  • Catherine Gibson, Senior Consultant & Facilitator, Ignite Advisory Group

Panel date, time and location:

đź“… Wednesday, September 4th

⏰ 9:45-10:30 AM

đź”´ San Francisco Marriott Marquis

Let us know if you'll be there. If you'd like to attend, get 15% off with our discount code—Ignite15. Register here.

View the agenda now →

In the News


A New Paradigm In Customer Engagement: Customer-Led Advisory Boards

In a customer-led advisory board, the focus shifts from company-centric to customer-centric, and prioritizes the customer’s needs, challenges and opportunities at the very forefront.

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5 Necessities for a Successful Customer Advisory Board

While many companies are eager to initiate a CAB, it is prudent to be sure they have the elements necessary to ensure their success before they begin. 

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Top Five Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Invite Prospects to Your Customer Advisory Board

We generally advise against inviting prospects to become members of your CAB. Here’s why.

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On-Demand Webinars


[On-Demand Webinar] Ask the Experts: Level Up Your CAB

Are you starting or improving your customer advisory board? In this open forum webinar, we answered a variety of CAB questions.

Take a look to get tips on:

  • interviewing CAB members for agenda creation
  • measuring CAB impact
  • post-meeting reporting, and more

Watch now →

Webinar CABs Travel Worthy - YouTube Thumbnail

[On-Demand Webinar] Top 10 Tips for Making Your CAB Meeting Worth Traveling To

How do you make your CAB meetings so valuable and travel-worthy that your customers will eagerly show up no matter what? This webinar shares ten tips to help you create successful and highly engaging CAB meetings.

Watch now →

CAB Workshop Series

[On-Demand Webinars] CAB Workshop Series

In this video training series, we dive deep into processes, strategies and tips to maximize the value of your CAB. Ignite experts share their experiences and practical advice on a variety of CAB topics.

Watch now →

Ask Eyal

Eyal-Danon-100x100-1 Eyal Danon is the President and Founder of Ignite Advisory Group, and a world-renowned expert on customer and partner advisory boards. 

âť“ Question:  Dear Eyal: how can we communicate the value and success of our customer advisory board internally and externally?

✔️ Answer: Successful CAB programs require proactively communicating their insights and achievements to a wide audience.

Internally, you should be sharing your meeting report with those departments (sales, marketing, customer support, etc.) that can benefit from the input and insights from customers. Beyond that, consider publishing an article in your employee newsletter or reviewing findings at your company all-hands meeting.

Externally, you can have a page on your company website extolling the benefits and accomplishments of your CAB, which is great for recruiting new members.

In addition, publishing thought leadership pieces summarizing the challenges and solutions to a shared industry problem positions your CAB (and company) as an industry thought leader. 

Finally, publishing articles in your customer newsletter, getting customers to participate in industry stories and posting CAB member testimonial videos on your website are additional ways to promote your CAB program success.

Got a CAB management question for Eyal? Email him at We could include your question in the next CAB Connection.

Did you know?


One way to promote your CAB externally is to issue a press release. We were thrilled to partner with Stratasys to help them launch their CAB. As an example, take a look at the Stratasys press release announcing their new CAB. 

Read more ideas to promote your CAB →

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We'll discuss your CAB needs, provide recommendations and share a CAB program plan.

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About Ignite Advisory Group

Ignite Advisory Group is the world’s leading consultancy focused exclusively on customer and partner advisory board programs for global B2B companies. Ignite’s proven methodology for managing and evolving Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) includes a 4-stage process, encompassing 48 deliverables and measured by 20 metrics to deliver a clear ROI.  Learn more →