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2024 CAB Newsletter Fall

CAB Connection is a quarterly resource newsletter from Ignite Advisory Group for Customer Advisory Board Managers, Facilitators and Executive Sponsors. 


CABorg Conference Resources

CAB Conference: Network and Learn in Boston on October 21st

If you're starting a CAB or PAB or have an existing one, the CAB Conference is a must-attend event.

You'll learn from industry leaders at UPS, PayPal, Stratasys, Atlassian, and Ignite Advisory Group. View the agenda 

The CAB Conference is a unique opportunity to learn CAB tips and strategies and connect with your peers. You’ll leave with ideas to take your CAB or PAB program to the next level.

📅 Monday, October 21st, 11AM - 4:30 PM ET

📍 Boston (Co-located with CustomerXCon)

Secure your seat now →

In the News


Top 10 Customer Advisory Board Facilitation Job Duties

Skillfully facilitating a customer advisory board (CAB) involves a mix of art and science. If not handled well, months of prep work, travel and budget can be lost on a less-than-ideal (or worse) experience for your most treasured customers.

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PowerPoint Detox: Fresh Ideas for Engaging Customer Advisory Boards

End. The. PowerPoint. Overload. Your customer advisory board meeting attendees deserve better.

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Five Traits of Successful Customer Advisory Board Program Managers

CAB program managers are a crucial member of a client advisory team, and can make or break an advisory program. 

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Webinar On Demand

Webinar AI Sessions at CAB

Crafting Effective AI Sessions for CAB Meetings

Watch this webinar for a deep dive into Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meeting sessions focused on Artificial Intelligence. These sessions can fall flat with lackluster discussion. Don’t let that happen!

Watch now →

Ask Eyal

Eyal-Danon-100x100-1 Eyal Danon is the President and Founder of Ignite Advisory Group, and a world-renowned expert on customer and partner advisory boards. 

❓ Question:  Eyal: Why should we interview our CAB member customers and what are some of the benefits of doing so?

✔️ Answer: When creating your CAB meeting agenda, it’s important to have the members guide the topics that they want to address with each other (not necessarily the topics that you, the host company, wants to tell them).

Interviewing CAB members will help prioritize topics for your next meeting, and uncover topics that you may want to discuss at additional touch points, such as quarterly conference calls.

Interviewing CAB members has additional benefits. Doing so – especially when conducted by a neutral third-party – often uncovers issues and challenges that your customers may be having around implementing or using your solutions that might be easy fixes (e.g. training) that don’t require entire sessions to address.

Also, challenges uncovered in customer interviews can drive topics for user group meetings and other events, as one of our clients is using them for at this very time.

Got a CAB management question for Eyal? Email him at We could include your question in the next CAB Connection.

Did you know?


Aligning marketing and sales teams around shared goals and improving communication between them can foster a more cohesive approach to customer engagement, resulting in more effective lead generation, smoother conversion processes and, ultimately, increased revenue for the business. 

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About Ignite Advisory Group

Ignite Advisory Group is the world’s leading consultancy focused exclusively on customer and partner advisory board programs for global B2B companies. Ignite’s proven methodology for managing and evolving Customer Advisory Boards (CABs) includes a 4-stage process, encompassing 48 deliverables and measured by 20 metrics to deliver a clear ROI.  Learn more →