Customer Advisory Board Connection Newsletter, Fall 2015
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In This Issue

-In the News: Why Advisory Boards Matter
-CAB Success Story: Ryder CAB Drives New Service Offerings
-Events: CAB Facilitator Training, CAB Manager Training and #CABorgConf15 Recap
-Ask Eyal
-CAB Scholarship Winner
-New CAB Guidance eBook Series
-CAB Best Practices Blog
-About Ignite
-Recent Testimonial

Did You Know?


The top reason CAB programs fail is that companies underestimate the amount of work, preparation and investment it takes to run a successful program.
Learn more>>

CAB Scholarship Winner

Ignite is pleased to announce the winner of its customer-focused marketing scholarship. Christine Barreto is an MBA candidate at Florida Atlantic University, and a graduate of Broward College. Congratulations to Christine for her winning essay!

Read more here>> 

About Ignite Advisory Group

Ignite Advisory Group is the world’s leading consultancy focused exclusively on helping B2B companies engage with executives at key accounts through high-impact customer and partner advisory board programs. 
Learn more >>

Recent Testimonials

“The Customer Advisory Board went extremely well. Most customers told me that it was the best Customer Advisory Board of their professional life, period.”
Jacques Conand
Product Director, IT Service Management

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CAB Connection is a quarterly resource newsletter from Ignite Advisory Group for Customer Advisory Board (CAB) Managers, Facilitators and Executive Sponsors. 

In The News

Why Advisory Boards Matter

This article in Pragmatic Marketer (published by Pragmatic Marketing) outlines the benefits of customer advisory boards, provides example metrics, and offers key guidance to making them successful.

Read more (page 10-12)>>

More customer advisory board articles>>

CAB Success Story

Ryder Customer Advisory BoardRyder Customer Advisory Board Drives New Service Offerings

Based on the “invaluable feedback” gained from its CAB, Ryder is providing incremental value to its customers by extending its service leases.

Learn more>>

Upcoming Events


CAB Facilitator Training: February 9-10 and Sept. 20-21, Atlanta, GA

Due to high demand from CAB training participants, Ignite is offering a comprehensive, 2-day training program designed specifically for CAB meeting facilitators. The in-person training will include guidance on obtaining meeting objectives, managing an engaging discussion, and satisfying the high expectations of meeting participants.

Register Now>>

CAB Manager Training: February 10-11 and Sept. 21-22, Atlanta, GA

Ignite will again offer its renowned Customer Advisory Board Manager training in 2016. The training garners rave reviews from attendees, and is a MUST-ATTEND event for anyone managing a CAB program.

Register Now>>

Past Events

#CABorgConf15 Event Showcases Best Practices

Recently, Ignite partner Customer Advisory hosted its annual CAB conference. The event featured real-world CAB practitioners who conveyed best practices and numerous actionable suggestions to attendees.

Complete Recap Here>>

Ask Eyal

EyalDanon-110w.jpgEyal Danon is the President and Founder of Ignite Advisory Group, and a world-renowned expert on customer and partner advisory boards. 

Question: Eyal, how many advisory board members should we have at our next face-to-face meeting, and how many of my company executives should be there?

Answer: We have found that the ideal number of customers attending an in-person advisory board meeting should be 12. (Plus or minus one or two should still be OK.) Any more than this might make it difficult for everyone to contribute and be heard. Any less can make the meeting feel like there’s not enough of a quorum.

As there will always be last minute cancellations due to sickness, weather, travel cancellations and such, it’s good to have a couple more meeting RSVPs than you might need. (say 14) Finally, as there may inevitably be a couple people who can’t attend the meeting for whatever reason, it’s good to have a few more members in your CAB program as a whole. (say 15-16)

As far as your own company executives, you want to keep a 2:1 ratio of customers to company attendees. That means if you have 12 customer attendees, no more than 6 representatives from your company should attend the meeting.

Got a CAB management question for Eyal? email him at eyal.danon@igniteag.comYour question could be included in the next CAB Connection.

New eBook Series 

"Beginner’s Guide to Establishing a World-Class Customer Advisory Board"

CAB-Beginners-Guide-Part1-EBook-MAG002.jpgThis new, 4-part eBook series is an ideal resource for those new to CABs, and provides guidance on the various types of CABs, what makes CABs work, and how to establish a successful, long-term program.

More CAB Resources, Click Here>>